From Guardian Unlimited – UK
She survived Jade, Jo and Channel 4. Now Shilpa reaps her reward
At 9.46am yesterday, Shilpa Shetty, a Bollywood actor, began applying make-up. Four minutes later she sat down at the kitchen table. At 9.54am she began brushing rubbish from the kitchen floor, before asking if anyone would like to share a banana.
Almost two weeks after incidents of allegedly racist bullying of Shetty on Celebrity Big Brother led to an international furore, events inside the reality TV studio may have slumped into soporific tedium. But outside the frenzy shows little sign of abating.
Tomorrow evening , the Channel 4 series will stagger to its close, with Shetty favourite to be voted its winner.
While Jade Goody, her chief tormentor, fights to save her career, and Channel 4’s beleaguered executives struggle to salvage their battered reputations over their handling of the controversy, Shetty will emerge to a blizzard of demands for her story and offers of lucrative endorsements.
“The big question for Shilpa is whether or not she can stomach what is likely to be put in front of her,” said Mr Borkowski.
“She’ll be pored over by the media, when she can nip back and have a very different lifestyle in India. In India, they put their celebrities on a pedestal, here we don’t have that reverential genuflection. Does she need a career here at all?”,,1999956,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1